Ruthann is excited to offer Matrix Repatterning at the Cardinal Center for Healing. With over 30 years of experience in bodywork, Matrix Repatterning is spawned from a career that includes traditional massage, Connective Tissue Massage and Ida Rolf's work, Structural Integration. The journey to Matrix Repatterning has been fortuitous and results in a modality that is supportive of every individual. Ruthann is one of a handful of practitioners in the United States.
In addition, Ruthann has recently trained as a Foundation Training instructor. This set of movements developed by Dr. Eric Goodman will not only offer individuals a way to build a strong and balanced structure, they can be applied to any activity you already do as well as all movement for functional daily living. Classes are on-going at the Cardinal Center. See classes for the current schedule and feel free to check out
Ruthann brings a unique set of skills to this practice that includes 26 years in the school system in Music Therapy, Special Education, Administration and Elementary Counseling. During her career, Ruthann has gathered a diversity of modalities that include bodywork, Guided Imagery with Music, and Master Alignment. All of these elements can be brought into providing a supportive atmosphere to witness each individual on their personal journey.
Ruthann's approach as a clinician embodies all aspects of the individual, yet her skills within the bodywork arena supports individuals being comfortable within their own bodies and empowered to move confidently toward their souls' purpose.