Complementary Therapies
The following modalities and therapies complement the respective therapists’ offerings. They are occasionally applied on their own and most often blended into sessions to enrich a client’s healing experience.
Bach Flower Remedies
Safe, simple and non-toxic system of addressing emotional and mental stress with the essences of 38 flowers plus a combined formula for emergency and traumatic situations called Rescue Remedy®. Over-the-counter essences can be recommended, or individual formulas can be created for you.
Hypnotherapy for Life Empowerment
To reduce stress, come into alignment with your life goals, and to embrace your own empowerment. Added to a series of Hypnotherapy sessions will be instruction for Self-Hypnosis and other tools to keep you flowing in your desired direction. Access your Benefits Form here (to be sent to me prior to sessions).
Energy Psychology
(Emotional Freedom Technique/EFT, Tapas Acupressure Technique TAT, Resonance Repatterning®)
Meridian- and energy centering approaches to address mental, emotional, and psychological blocks that are interfering with full, free and joyful living. I weave these modalities into Zoom or phone Facilitation sessions.
Additional Energy Healing Modalities
(besides Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy/IET®--please see their separate pages)
Quantum Touch®, Reconnective Healing®, Metamorphosis, Access Bars®, RESET®: All energy-based modalities help to release blockages, imbalances, and patterns of tension held within the energy and physical bodies and facilitate the body to balance and heal. Such approaches help to accelerate the body's natural healing process and are “pulled in” to a session as indicated. These modalities are currently offered as distance sessions.
Please note: All alternative or complementary modalities and other holistic healing arts are excellent complements to traditional health treatment methods. It is encouraged that every client follow his or her own choice of health care, using the above methods for preventative measures, "tune-ups," and stress reduction as well as to address specific conditions.